MPAOD offers the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD), an internationally recognized portfolio of examinations, which is designed to motivate and encourage students of all ages and levels of ability through a systematic measurement of progress and attainment. Examinations are organized and administered by the RAD Examinations.
Examinations are optional and take place in the Spring of each year. There is no upper age limit and both male and female students can enter from Grades Primary onwards. The examinations provide students with:
- achievable goals to work towards
- the impetus to achieve their personal best in a fun and nurturing environment
- recognition from the world’s largest ballet examination board

MPAOD requires RAD examination students to take two ballet technique classes a week for Grades 2, 3, 4 & 5 levels for the entire school year. For Primary & Grade 1 levels, students are required to take an additional second class after signing up for the exam. Students will need to attend “in person classes” in order to fully prepare for the examination.
The Graded Examinations in Dance syllabus provides a broad practical dance education and develops technical, musical and performance skills. It incorporates ballet, free movement, and character dance and is appropriate from the age of six years.
The Vocational Graded Examinations in Dance syllabus provides an in-depth study of ballet, develops technique, music and performance skills, and introduces pointe work for female candidates. It prepares students for a career in dance and is appropriate for students from the age of 11 years.
The Solo Seal Award is the highest level Vocational Graded examination and focuses on solo performance.

Your child is invited to take the Royal Academy of Dance exam in the spring of 2024 at Menlo Park Academy of Dance. Your child will be assigned a day and time for their exam within this date range by the Royal Academy of Dance. This may require them to be excused from regular school for short period, as students must arrive at least 15 minutes before the examination start time.
Please note that the day and time once assigned by the RAD will be sent to us 4 weeks prior to the exam and cannot be changed.
An examiner from the Royal Academy of Dance is assigned to conduct the exams and a fee is set by the RAD to cover expenses. In the event that an examiner is unable to safely conduct the examination in person, Miss Sarah will be required to film each exam set of students in person in Studio 1, and then send the footage to the RAD Office for grading.